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Fubaring Snafus

Let me forewarn you that there is quite a bit of colorful language is the following post. If you are not comfortable with it, stop reading now.

Okay, since you're still reading you obviously aren't afraid of some language. Let's get some definitions out of the way first. FUBAR is an acronym that means Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. The 'R' can also stand for repair. SNAFU is an acronym for Situation Normal All Fucked Up. Below are my thoughts regarding these words.

I was talking to somebody earlier today about how a certain situation is the same as it was before and that nothing has changed. We both remarked how it's just a big SNAFU. But then I got to thinking, the situation is really just fucked up. However, it cannot be FUBAR, since it's still recognizable.

I then came to the conclusion that you cannot have a FUBAR'd SNAFU. Why, you may ask, it's quite simple. If something is FUBAR, by its very definition it's not recognizable.

However, a situation can just be at its standard and normal way of being, and be fucked up. Since the situation is still normal, and thereby recognizable, it cannot be FUBAR. Since it's still recognizable.

It's an interesting thing to think about when it comes down to it.
